Sign up to be a neighborhood ambassador.
Let's get walking and get talking!
People don't neighbor anymore
When was the last time you did more than wave at the people next door? When was the last time you invited someone onto your porch? In the spirit of community development and celebrating neighbors, the Remington Wolcott Community Development Corporation and the two town Main Streets are organizing a Meet and Greet event.
“We came up with this idea after noting the number of people who came out on their front porches and lawns when a storm took out the power and as a result, air conditioning one night this summer. People don’t have an excuse to get out and talk to their neighbors anymore, and a strong community is built around the local conversations. This event is their excuse.” Said Sara DeYoung, the executive director of RWCDC.
This is your excuse to get outside...
RWCDC and the Main Streets are relying on residents to get out and enjoy the evening, to ask friends onto their front porch for a drink, to walk through the park or to get some ice cream downtown. DeYoung added ambassadors for each section of town would be out with t-shirts distributing small tokens such as flowers and candy. Ambassadors are community members who have volunteered to go around a section of town and greet people.
“We wanted to give some additional visibility to the night,” DeYoung said, “And who doesn’t enjoy flowers and candy?” The shirts were designed by Sweet Tees in Wolcott.
DeYoung said the date and time for the event had been set, but she didn’t want it to be overly structured or organized.
“We want to see people out on their front lawns, riding their bikes, taking their golf carts around. We all get into our routines and sometimes fail to notice the beauty of our town or the areas that might need some attention.”
DeYoung said each town is in need of more ambassadors. You can sign up here. Ambassadors are asked to walk in pairs and will receive a free t-shirt and gift. For more information contact Sara DeYoung